The criteria for winning an ICT Award can vary but often include factors such as the impact of the individual or organization’s work on the ICT industry, the level of innovation, the level of creativity and originality, and the overall quality of the work being recognized.
Every applicant goes through five stages for the Startup ICT Award, Product ICT Award, Rising Star Innovation ICT Award, Professional Excellence ICT Award, and South Asia Startup ICT Award 2024. They are as follows:
To reach out to interested applicants we call for online applications.
1After evaluating the documents, the jury shortlists the applicants who have met the criteria.
2The applicant is asked for an interview, presentations, speed dating, and other requirements if necessary. By this time, we will have completed one month, and the top ten get selected.
3Online and SMS voting begins to decide the finalist. Those who didn’t make it to the top five get eliminated. But they are eligible to participate in the public choice ICT Award Category.
4Based on the above four stages and field visits of jury team member inputs from the internal evaluation team, the winner is decided by the jury and public voting.
5As for the Professional Excellence, Pioneer ICT Award, Nepali Diaspora ICT Award, Entrepreneurs ICT Award, Women Icon ICT Award, Digital Governance, Digital Services ICT Award & Digital Education ICT Award nominees should nominate or recommend personnel who have contributed to social transformation through ICT.
The jury and advisory team with incorporations of feedback from the internal evaluation team will select after three to four rounds of evaluation and announce the recipient of the Award respectively. The jury will visit offices and organizations for a final round of evaluations as a field visit.
For the ICT Startup Award, ICT Product Award and Rising Star ICT Award 2021, every applicant goes through five different stages.
They are as follows:
To reach out the interested applicants we call for online applications.
1After evaluating the documents, the jury shortlists the applicants who have met the criteria.
2The applicant is asked for interview, presentations and other requirements if necessary. By this time we will have completed one month and top ten get selected.
3Online and SMS voting begins to decide the top three. Those who didn’t make it to top three get eliminated.
4Based on above four stages and inputs from our internal evaluation team, the winner is decided by the jury.